To achieve the goal of providing accessible, effective, efficient and comprehensive health care addressing the community’s priority health problems, the operational objectives of CCHBHC are broadly divided into five categories as follows:
By motivating and supporting members of the community to proactively maintain and resist threats to their health. Self-care of community, and proper health-seeking behaviors are the expected outcomes.
By meeting the needs of those requiring care as a result of changing physical, psychological, social and/or cognitive functional capacities across the lifespan.
By reaching out to them and meeting their health needs as identified in the community assessment. This would include people with disability, mothers and children, the elderly, and the poor and minority groups.
By acknowledging the contribution of family members, neighbors and volunteers and providing them with the knowledge, skills, resources and emotional support to enable them to continue to provide hands-on care at home.
By establishing, and/or strengthening partnership and networking between the community, health care providers and other sectors within the government and nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) to facilitate community actions for health and well-being.
To attain the objectives and ultimately achieve the goals, SHF has employed a variety of strategies. This is to ensure that all parts of the health care system function in a coherent and integrated way. The strategies reflect the principles underpinning the model and include the following: